
Senior Secondary Studies Years 11-12

Woodcroft College

Entry Requirements

Course Details

In Year 11 there is a strong emphasis on independence, communication and the transition to a post school environment.

This is an important year for students to explore a wider range of subjects in line with their interests and strengths, and to challenge themselves academically. Students will be gaining a better understanding of their preferred pathway for Year 12 and beyond.

Students are supported by the same Head of Year throughout Year 11 and Year 12 as we understand the importance of strong and stable relationships with key academic and support staff over this period.

All students complete compulsory Stage 1 SACE subjects for Literacy and Numeracy and can start their Stage 2 Research Project.

With English and Mathematics as the two core subjects, students will have multiple subject choices across a range of key learning areas:

Design, Technology and Engineering
Digital Technologies
Health and Personal Development
Outdoor Education
Physical Education
Visual Arts
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Year 12 presents the opportunity for students to select subjects that align with their passions, strengths and preferred post-school pathway.

While all students are encouraged to work hard, the College supports students to learn how to have a balanced approach to school and life. We want young people ready to successfully take their place in the world, whether they are headed for university, further education, training, an apprenticeship or joining the workforce.

Throughout their Woodcroft College journey, students will learn the value of positive relationships with their peers and teachers. This comes to the fore in Year 12 and each year we see our students form a cohesive group who encourage and support each other.

Students are also supported by the same Head of Year throughout Year 11 and Year 12 as we understand the importance of strong and stable relationships with key academic and support staff over this period.

With their own exclusive space known as The Croft, students have easy access to their Head of Year, quiet study areas, their own kitchen and a place to take some time out.

We want our students to share positive experiences that will support them through their study. Events such as launch day, reflection day, formal and graduation celebrations are highlights on the Year 12 calendar. Every year the group of Year 12 students come up with an individual motto and mural to inspire and encourage each other.

Year 12 students will complete their Stage 2 SACE and the subjects selected should reflect individual interests while providing variety and appropriate level of challenge to prepare for a chosen post school pathway.

Students have multiple subject choices across a range of key learning areas:

Design, Technology and Engineering
Digital Technologies
Health and Personal Development
Outdoor Education
Physical Education
Visual Arts
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

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Level of Study: Senior Secondary Certificate of Education

Duration: 104 weeks

CRICOS Course Code: 096555D

English Requirements: IELTS Score UG

Annual Tuition: AUD$23,000.00

More information is available at the institution's website

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